Fingerprinting Services FD-258 inkcard FBI Fingerprinting FBI Apostille FBI Authentication Out of State Fingerprinting for Travel Nurses, Doctors and Insurance Agents. If you have your fingerprints done here, we can archive them for you for up to 5 years. General Notary Services (Mobile & In office), Loan Signing/Loan Closings, Form I-9 Employment Verification , Document Preparation such as Deeds, Living Will ,Power of Attorney , Trusts etc. Tax Preparation, ITIN and EIN application. Business Creation, such as forming your LLC, Corporation or Sole Proprietorship. CPR & First Aid Training. Non-Profit set up, filings & IRS approval. Develop Comprehensive Policies & Procedures for Healthcare Agencies such as RSA, HCSA, ALF, DDA , PRP …